你是否有过这样的烦恼:要当主持人却不熟悉开会流程?中文会议开得好好的,可是一转到英文会,就舌头打结,无从下手?平常会议开得好好的,可是突遇意外情况,就一时懵掉,不知道如何表达诉求? 别着急,线上英文会议的流程与用语干货,都在这里: 会议开场: 当你开麦准备开场词时: 当我们进入会议,发现人已经到得差不多了,就可以准备开始会议了,这时我们需要对参会人员表示欢迎: It's really good to talk to you. 很高兴和大家交谈。 It's really good to see you. 很高兴见到大家。 Thank you everyone for attending. 谢谢大家来参会。 Are we good to go? 我们可以开始了吗? Let's get started, shall we? I think everybody is here. 我们开始吧,可以吗?我想大家都到了。 Let's get the ball rolling. (Let's begin.) 我们开始吧。 当你打算介绍本次会议的主题时: 简单的寒暄过后,我们需要切入正题,先大致地告诉参会人员这次会议的目的、主题、预估时长等等。 Welcome, everyone. Today's meeting is about... 欢迎大家,今天的会议是关于…… Welcome, everybody. This is our agenda. 欢迎各位,这就是我们今天的议程。 Welcome, everyone. The major task today is... 欢迎大家,今天主要的任务是…… Welcome to today's meeting. These are the issues that we want to talk about... 欢迎大家参加今天的会议。这些是我们要讨论的问题…… Welcome. The purpose of today's meeting is to... 欢迎,今天会议的目的是…… Let's kick off the meeting with... 让我们以……拉开会议序幕。 Today, we are going to get started with... 今天我们将从……开始。 Today's meeting is going to last no more than an hour. 今天的会议不会超过一小时。 注:“This is our agenda...”,配合这样的PPT页面食用更佳哦~能够让议程更加清晰明了。 会议进行中: 当你准备共享屏幕时: 线上会议总是少不了共享屏幕,在我们开始演说之前,得确保自己的屏幕共享是能被所有参会人员看见的。 Can I share my screen with you? 我可以向大家共享屏幕吗? I'm going to share my screen with you now. 我要开始共享屏幕了。 Can you see my screen? Can you see it clearly? 大家能看到我的屏幕吗?可以看得清吗? Do you want me to make it bigger? 大家想让我放大屏幕吗? I'm going to put up my presentation now. 我现在就把介绍放上来。 Please let me know if you can see my screen. 请让我知道大家能否看到我的屏幕。 Please wait for a second while I get ready to share my slide. 请稍等片刻,我在准备我的幻灯片。 在zoom会议室里的部分操作页面是这样的↑ 当你从当前话题跳到下一个话题时: 一场会议分为不同的部分,那么版块和版块间应该怎么衔接自然而不突兀呢,我们可以用这些语句来过渡: Let's move on to the next item. 让我们进入下一个话题。 Moving on, let's talk about... 进入下一环节,我们来谈谈…… Moving on swiftly, let's take a look at... 迅速进入下一环节,让我们来看看…… There's a bit of a time issue here. So I think we should move on. 这里来不及再说了,所以我觉得我们该进入下一环节了。 Now, let's move on to the next topic... 现在,让我们进入下一个话题…… 当你想礼貌地打断发言者时: 当你想插话时,一定要注意礼貌,如果可能的话,尽量在发言者表达完一段意思之后再发言。 Sorry, would you mind if I ask a question? 对不起,你介意我问一个问题吗? Sorry, but just to clarify, are you saying that... 对不起,我想弄清楚,你是说…… Can I interrupt you for a minute? 我可以打断你一下吗? Would you mind if I jumped in here, please? 你介意我在这儿插一下话吗? Can I stop you there quickly? 我可以快速地打断一下你吗? Can I add one point before we move on? 在我们继续之前,我可以补充一点吗? Sorry to jump in, but can I elaborate more on this point? 很抱歉打断一下,我能在这一点上详细说明一下吗? Hold on a minute, please. We don't seem to have discussed... Could we go back over it? 请稍等一下,我们似乎没有讨论过……我们能不能再回顾一下? 会议中遇到了问题: 当你和别人同时开麦发言时: 有时候我们开麦发言的时机正好和别人撞上了,这时候可别尴尬,我们可以大大方方地说: Sorry, you go first. 对不起,你先来吧。 Sorry, please go ahead. 不好意思,请你先说。 XXX, were you trying to say something? XXX,你是想说什么吗? It's fine. Just go ahead, please. 没关系的,请你先说吧。 当听不懂或者听不清对方说话时: 线上开会时难免也会遇到没听懂或者没听清的情况,在全英会议中,碰到这类问题的几率甚至更高。我们该怎么表明:我们没听明白,需要对方再解释一遍呢? Could you explain that again? 你能再解释一下吗? Could you speak more slowly, please? 能麻烦你说得再慢一点吗? Could you repeat that last bit, please? 你能重复一下最后那句话吗? I'm afraid I didn't quite catch that. 恐怕我没有听懂。 Could you speak up, please? 请你大点声,好吗? You're a little bit quiet. Could you speak closer to the microphone? 你的声音有点小,可以靠近麦克风发言吗? 当你遇到一些技术故障时: 网不好、软件卡住了、麦克风坏了、设备没电了……想必在线上开会的时候,我们都经历或目睹过各种技术故障,那我们该怎么迅速告诉其他人技术故障的问题呢? I'm having problems hearing you. 我听不清你说话。 I can't hear a thing. 我什么也听不到。 Are you on mute? 你开静音了吗? The screen is blank. 屏幕黑屏(白屏)了。 The screen is frozen. 屏幕卡住了。 The image and sound are out of the sync. 音画不同步。 You're breaking up a little bit. 你的声音有点断断续续。 There's a bit of an echo on the line. 线路上有点回音。 I think we've lost you./ You've back. 我想你被卡出会议室了/你回来了。 My Internet connection is unstable. 我的网络连接不稳定。 My WiFi has been a little bit of patchy. 我的WiFi一直不太稳定。 成年人的崩溃就在一瞬间,比如工作得好好的,电脑突然白屏了。 结束会议: 当你从当前话题跳到下一个话题时: 总结会议时可以灵活使用这些模板: I'd like to summarize the key points. 我想总结一下重点。 In summary, we're going to... 总结一下的话,我们要…… To sum up what I presented... 总结一下我所介绍的…… So, in a nutshell, we discussed.... 所以,总的来说,我们讨论了…… This is what I think we've agreed on... 这是我认为我们已经达成共识的。 To summarize then, let me just run through what we've agreed here... 总结一下,我来把我们已经达成的共识再重复一遍…… Before we close, let me just summarize the main points we discussed just now. 在我们结束之前,让我来总结一下我们刚才讨论的主要内容。 当你准备结束本次会议: 最后的最后,就是致谢听众,正式结束会议啦: Shall we wrap it up for today? 我们今天就到这里吧? I think we can leave it here for today. 我觉得我们今天可以到此为止了。 I think this is a good place to end. 我觉得现在可以结束会议了。 Thank you for attending. 谢谢大家的出席。 Thank you for your time. 谢谢大家抽出时间参会。 Thank you for your coming. 感谢大家的到来。 Thank you for a constructive and productive meeting. 谢谢大家让这次会议充满建设性且富有成效。 I think that's all for today. Thank you for your participation. 我想今天就到此为止吧。感谢大家的参与。